Who Framed Klaris Cliff news!
I'm extremely overexcited to present my debut novel for young people, Who Framed Klaris Cliff?
It's quite hard to describe what it's about, so here's the blurb that is being used on Amazon.
People used to call them 'friends' and said how they were good for your brain. And then a day came when all that changed . . . when they became our enemy.
Now, anyone found harbouring a rogue imaginary person is in for the Cosh, an operation that fries your imagination and zaps whatever's in there, out of existence.
That's why I wish Klaris Cliff had never shown up. And why I know that proving her innocence is the last hope I have of saving myself.
Funny, quirky, and intriguing. This is a gripping read.
And this is what my lovely editor Clare at OUP said about it:
"From the first page I knew this was something extraordinary and by the end of the first chapter, I was desperate to start sharing this story with others. It is a stunning debut novel—a unique premise, delivered with an original writing style that is utterly gripping. A truly rare and special find."
So now you know, you can go out and pre-order it! Go on, what are you waiting for? Shoo! Scoot! Skidaddle!